QRevMS was developed to process streamflow measurements made with an ADCP using the mid- and mean-section methods. The software uses similar techniques and user interface as QRevInt. QRevIntMS has the following features:
Reads data from:
SxS Pro: mmt file
River Surveyor Stationary Live: mat file
RSQ: rsqst file
Automated data quality checks with feedback to the user
Automated data filtering
Optimal method to compute mean profile using all available data
Consistent processing algorithms independent of the ADCP used to collect the data
Output files include:
JSON: complete internal data structure
Excel: summary table of measurement
XML: output summary for use by databases
Development: Genesis HydroTech LLC is coordinating the modifications and enhancements for QRevIntMS with the guidance and contributions from the following agencies:Â Â
The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate
Environment and Climate Change Canada
New Zealand Hydrological Society
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
Groupe Doppler Hydrométrie
U.S. Geological Survey
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Queensland Government Department of Resources
Australian Hydrographers Association
Icelandic Meteorological Office
Finish Environment Institute
Source code repository: https://bitbucket.org/genesishydrotech/qrevms/
Bug reports: Please report all bugs with appropriate instructions and files to reproduce the issue and add this to the issues tracking feature in the source code repository or email (dave@genesishydrotech.com).
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